Irish Claddagh Rings
A Cladagh ring for the spelling challenged
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Irish Claddagh Rings :: Cladagh ring

Cladagh Ring

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.  Would the misspelling of any other name be as sweet.  Well if you are looking for a Cladagh ring, you are about to find that you are in good company.  You are searching for something that needs one more "D" to be spelled correctly.  But take heart, fully one out of ten individuals spell it exactly like you do. 

And you are far more distinguished than the group of misspellers that have two "D's", but no "G".  They make their mistake twice as much as you make yours, or maybe there is twice as many of them.  Regardless of the means, people who are looking for a Cladagh ring are unique. 

Your have a ways to go though to be an awful speller.  You would have to leave off the "D", which you have done, and furthermore, leave off the "G".  These individuals number only a fourth of your members.  They, though have an excuse in that their method employs the most thrift opposed to the Cladagh ring crowd, who have not the excuse of thrift, because who would drop a "D" and not drop the "G".

Regardless of your purposes, I hope that you realize by now that I have designed this all for you.  We had to drop the d to so you could find this wonderful site  We take great care to provide information to everyone, no matter how you decide to spel it.

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